Through COVID-19 Together
This page is managed by Mission Capital and it houses our ongoing COVID-19 resources, insights, and efforts in support of the Central Texas nonprofit community.
Nonprofit Pulse Survey 2
Leaning on our mission, the second COVID-19 Nonprofit Pulse Survey is intended to help funders and stakeholders understand evolving nonprofit needs and where historical inequities may show up as a result from this crisis.
Our team has compiled a comprehensive list of COVID-19 resources and tools for our Central Texas nonprofit community.
We update this page regularly, as more resources become available.
Our data ecosystem work is designed to help us build a better understanding of the state of the sector in the immediate crisis of COVID-19 and understand the ongoing impacts as our community responds.
This section houses our Pulse Survey iterations, results, and resources.
Mission Capital offices have been closed to the public since Friday, March 13th. Our staff is serving our community on a remote capacity, and will continue to do so until further notice, based on local public health reports, and CDC guidelines.